Sunday, December 25, 2005

Introduction - Computer Essentials for non-Geeks

Feeling baffled, if not a little stupid, when it comes to computers and computer security. You're not alone. Most of my family, friends, and acquaintances feel that way. There's "hardware" and "software", "programs" and "code", "servers", "drivers", and "MAC addresses". It's just too confusing for the non-geeks! The news is full of stories on the dangers of "viruses", "spyware", and "identity theft" but what do those things really mean? It's frustrating not to know what software you really need to protect your computer. To make things worse, the IT "geeks", seem to know it what's going on, but just try to get one of them to explain it all to you. They either don't have the time for you, or they use geek-speak. Worse, some geeks like making you feel stupid. Jeez Louise!

But hold on! Don't give up! It doesn't need to be complicated. Take a few minutes to read my blog and you'll find computer basics pretty easy.

I'm a bona fide "geek" myself and I'm starting this blog to try to help. I’ve worked in IT for more than 25 years: from mainframes to handhelds, from programmer to managing networks and servers for thousands of users. I know I've been impatient with clients in the past. What was my excuse? I thought that everyone - or at least everyone with half a brain - should know this stuff. I thought, hey, computers are every where. Somebody's got to be telling folks, teaching them, right? Wrong said my wonderful wife. She pointed out a few years ago that she had no way to learn about computers except through me. Since then I've looked around and only to find that she was right. Just try to find a quick primer on essential computer information, something easy to read and brief. Something that you, the non-geek, can understand. What you don't need is a 300 pager dense with technology details.

So now I have a new passion: trying to make computers easy to understand. That's the purpose of this blog. How computers work is easier to understand than you think, believe me. And, when you understand the basics for hardware and software, I'll move on to computer security. In just a few short posts, I hope to give you the knowledge and confidence to speak intelligently about these issues and to make the right choices about when purchasing a computer and the software that you need to protect yourself from viruses and privacy threats.

If my work helps you, please let me know. And, if I'm not clear, let me know that, too. I'll incorporate all good suggestions in updated versions so that it will help others.

Next post: essential computer basics


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